Book of Lore: Skyrim


The app

A fun and powerful app for players of the game Skyrim.

Create, manage and share character plans (via text or Markdown export). Includes several pre-made character templates you can copy and modify to customize your character plan, as well as a Skyrim-focused web search assistant and terminal commands reference.

Technical Details

This app isn't just a pretty face. Built with the modern mobile toolkit of Flutter and Dart, it delivers a stunning and dynamic user interface that can handle even the most intricate designs.

Beneath the surface lies a powerhouse: a full local SQL relational database drives everything, and integrated custom color and appearance themes adapt instantly for light and dark mode variations based on a custom primary color value.

Unique Custom UI Elements

But this app goes beyond the basics. It features a one-of-a-kind custom embedded web browser with a locally managed search history – perfect for keeping the user’s Skyrim strategy secrets safe (no judgement on endless Elder Scroll lore dives!).

Users also benefit from the groundbreaking free-form graph layout container. This innovative feature lets the app present the game's complex attribute trees as a clear and connected graph, making sense of even the most intricate character builds on any size screen.